Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls: A Historical Novel of Family, Power, and Prohibition

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls is a historical novel that transports the reader to the turbulent and fascinating era of Prohibition in the United States, where illegal alcohol production and distribution, political corruption, and social upheaval were rampant. The novel centers on the life of Sallie Kincaid, a spirited and rebellious young woman who is the daughter of Duke Kincaid, the most powerful and influential man in Claiborne County, Virginia. Duke Kincaid owns most of the land, businesses, and people in the county, and he runs a lucrative moonshine empire that defies the federal law and makes him a lot of enemies. Sallie is his only daughter from his first wife, who died in a violent argument with him when Sallie was a child. Sallie inherited her father's charisma, intelligence, and courage, but she also has a mind of her own and a desire to make her own mark in the world.

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls
Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls

The novel begins in 1919, when Sallie is eight years old and living in the Big House, the lavish mansion where her father resides with his second wife, Lila, and their son, Eddie. Sallie loves her father dearly, but she resents Lila and Eddie, who are timid and submissive and represent everything that Sallie is not. Sallie tries to teach Eddie to be more like their father, but her daredevil coaching leads to a tragic accident that leaves Eddie severely injured and Sallie banished from the Big House. Sallie is sent away to live with her aunt Cora in Richmond, where she receives a proper education and learns to behave like a lady. However, Sallie never forgets her father or her home, and she vows to return one day and reclaim her place in the family.

The novel then jumps to 1928, when Sallie is seventeen years old and decides to run away from Richmond and go back to Claiborne County. She arrives at the Big House unannounced and uninvited, hoping to reunite with her father and make peace with Lila and Eddie. However, she soon realizes that things have changed a lot since she left. Her father is still powerful and respected, but he is also aging and weary from his constant battles with his rivals and the law. Lila is still cold and distant towards Sallie, but she is also suffering from a mysterious illness that makes her weak and frail. Eddie is still alive, but he is crippled and bitter from his accident and his mother's overprotection. He also harbors a secret love for Sallie that he can never act on.

Sallie tries to fit in with her family and their lifestyle, but she also wants to prove herself as an independent and capable woman. She gets involved in her father's moonshine business, learning how to make, transport, and sell the illegal liquor. She also gets involved in the politics of the county, supporting her father's allies and opposing his enemies. She also gets involved in several romances with different men who are attracted to her beauty, charm, and spirit. However, none of them can truly satisfy her or understand her.

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls
Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls

As Sallie navigates the complex and dangerous world of Prohibition-era Virginia, she faces many challenges and threats. She uncovers dark secrets and scandals that lurk in the shadows of the Big House and the county. She clashes with various factions and forces that want to control or destroy her father's empire. She also struggles with her own identity and destiny as a Kincaid woman who wants more than what society expects from her.

The novel reaches its climax when Duke Kincaid dies unexpectedly, leaving his moonshine empire and his county in jeopardy. Sallie has to face the consequences of her actions and decisions, and deal with the aftermath of her father's death. She has to choose between staying in Claiborne County and fighting for her inheritance and legacy, or leaving with the man she loves and starting a new life elsewhere. She also has to confront her feelings for Eddie, who reveals his true feelings for her and makes a shocking confession. Sallie has to decide what kind of woman she wants to be, and what kind of future she wants to have.

The novel ends with a surprising twist that changes everything for Sallie and her family. Sallie discovers a secret that her father kept from her all her life, a secret that challenges everything she thought she knew about herself and her origins. Sallie has to face the truth about who she is and where she belongs, and make peace with her past and her present. She also has to find the courage to follow her heart and pursue her dreams, no matter what the cost.

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls is a captivating and thrilling novel that will keep you hooked until the end. The novel is inspired by the Tudor family of England, who ruled over a tumultuous period of history marked by intrigue, betrayal, violence, and succession wars. The novel draws parallels between Duke Kincaid and Henry VIII, Sallie Kincaid and Elizabeth I, Eddie Kincaid and Edward VI, Lila Kincaid and Anne Boleyn, and the various men in Sallie's life and the wives of Henry VIII. The novel also explores the themes of family, loyalty, ambition, love, freedom, and survival in a time of great change and uncertainty.

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls is a novel that will appeal to fans of historical fiction, especially those who are interested in the Prohibition era and the Tudor dynasty. The novel is full of drama, suspense, romance, and adventure, and it features a strong and memorable heroine who defies the norms and expectations of her time. The novel also offers a glimpse into a fascinating and turbulent period of American history, where the clash between tradition and modernity, law and crime, and family and individuality shaped the destiny of a nation. Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls is a novel that will make you laugh, cry, gasp, and cheer, and it will leave you with a lasting impression of a remarkable woman and her extraordinary story.

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